What’s With All the Monkey Business?


What is the world’s biggest oxymoron?

A. Black People

What do black people and monkeys have in common?

A. They eventually end up swinging from trees.

Why are trees so close in Harlem?

A. Public Transportation

Monkey, Porch monkey. Nigger. Jigaboo. Sambo. Mammy. I can probably write a paragraph of various names used to describe the African in America and often used against Africans across the Diaspora. Names created to dehumanize and justify the oppression and the killing of Africans worldwide. Words often used as a psychological medium for racist whites to convince other whites and other races to see black people as less than human so that they, too, hate and despise the brown brother encouraging the marginalization and murder of black people.

And, in a generation of social networkers and advanced technology, one would like to believe in the theory of the melting pot in the ‘free world,’ the world where equality and human solidarity unite a people for a greater good. However, this is not our reality.

I am not the first neither will I be the last to comment on this subject but it is important to reference Sankofa, the African principle that asks us to ‘reach back and get it,’ or use the past as the stepping stones to building a much better future. So, I went back and got all the slanderous names, jokes, racial slurs and derogatory epithets that haunted the nation since the first slave stepped foot on the beaches in Virginia in 1619 to make one point. And, that is even with your black president, the fact that black rappers and other entertainers make millions of dollars a year and proudly represent the 1 percent, and you have your own cable television networks, to the general American public you will always be a nigger.

What do you call the nigger with a Harvard education?

A. A nigger.

Today, one of my best friends had a verbal boxing match with the lightweight champion of America, Racism in Academia. Read this from her post:

“Today I was in a training that discussed the globalization of my courses and we begin a discussion about race when my ‘colleague’ states, ‘I didn’t say this, but my daughter who is six and I went to the zoo and we were looking at the gorillas and she says, “hey, they look like African-Americans.”‘

What’s the difference between a porch monkey and a yard ape?

A. The length of the chain.

The Africans’ history is a rich history filled with the building of pyramids and the Nile, the development of the plumbing system, the harvesting and cultivation of fruits and vegetables, herbs and minerals we use in modern society and the first civilization. It also includes the fact that the first woman was an African that emerged from the ‘Garden of Eden.’ It is in the history of the caucasian that we find the story of man emanating from the ape by way of the “theory of evolution.”


So, what’s with all this monkey business???

What happened when the nigger looked up his family tree?

A. An ape shit on him.

Deflection has always been a defense mechanism for those with insecurities and that has been the key element in the relation between blacks and whites.


It is important that we teach our children that racism is not dead and as long as we continue to act as if it does not exist we will be faced with the reality found in a comment by a senator, I believe it was, that I read the other day, “…soon we’ll be able to buy black people, again.”

If you look at any reality television show, the auction block, I’m sorry, I mean the sports drafts, the white supremacist ideals often included in the political campaigns of black political candidates or the institutional criminalization of African American men AND women we are still being bought in a sense, but I’m speaking of the true trade of black life for money.

Why did the nigger cross the road?

Who the fuck cares, why the fuck was he out of the cotton field?

For this young man to make a comment like that in a public place, moreover, in the setting of academia is unsettling and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. But, it is African-Americans who have to admit that they are in denial about the racist attitudes that still claim this society and decide to fight back as a unit to continuously demand respect in a world where they are the brunt of jokes that often do not end as laughing matters.

Jokes provided by “Tightrope: It’s Not Illegal to be White…Yet” located at http://www.tightrope.cc.

J.Prince, Princepality 73


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