Tag Archives: Mac Miller

Diggin Diggy

AKAHIPHOP. COM hit me and I had the opportunity to listen to the new track by Mac Miller and Diggy, ‘Definition of Cool’ and yea, yea, Mac Miller, first verse, ok, cool–then Diggy hits the track and I didn’t even know it was the kid. With a british twist in his voice, which would come off a little corny, he murdered his lyrics and I guess that’s why the chicks want to “hang off his genitals.”

I’ve been pretty impressed with the Hip-Hop heir lately. He has, with the assistance of a Hip-Hop upbringing, been able to fuse everything good in Hip-Hop circa 1989 Run DMC with everything modern in Hip-Hop circa the 21st century Andre 3000 and Kanye West. How this boy does it? I’m not sure, but what I am sure of is that he has been able to do what his older brother couldn’t, reach the masses because Team Blackout did just that, blacked out.

Big ups Dig!

J. Prince, Princepality 17

Click the pic to visit Diggy's site.

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