Tag Archives: social media; facebook; twitter; youtube; education; scholarship

Sticks and Stones Might Break Your Bones, But so Will Social Media!


Sticks and stones might break your bones, but hell, words might just hurt you, too!

By reports based on the publisher of Fastweb.com and FAFSA, scholarship committees across the country might be monitoring your social media usage and using that against you when applying for various federal, state, and private scholarships.

Go ahead, blast Bonita on Facebook and tell her just how much of a slut she was for sleeping with your boyfriend. But, think again, because Bonita might keep you from getting that Gates Millennium Scholarship you just applied for a couple of months prior–so what you have a 4.5 and a 1260 on the SAT. You show her who is in control and embarrass her in front of all, maybe, 500 of your friends. Who needs that scholarship anyway?

Go ahead, tell the world you smoked the biggest blunt Compton has ever seen since Snoop Dogg was a baby faced thug rocking a blue sweatshirt and matching Converse doing the Crypt over Dr. Dre beats. It doesn’t matter…you don’t need that Tylenol scholarship anyway. Less of a headache I’m sure. All that studying to get a 29 on the ACT and maintaining a 3.9 grade point average seemed pointless.

Oh yea, and post that video on YouTube downing a 40 throwing gang signs in the hood with your homies. It was just a chill Saturday hanging with the crew. Who needs that full athletic scholarship you worked so hard for scoring no less than 20 points a game. Who needs basketball anyway? “Ain’t nobody from the hood making it in the NBA anyway.”

It seems our students, even those who have the higher grade point averages and higher SAT scores still get tangled in the deceitful web of peer pressure and these days, with the advent of so many various social media sites, they can display it for the world to see. But, what happens when you apply for scholarships (or internships, jobs, college admissions, etc.) and the decision makers just happen to Google your name or check your Facebook post, twitter tweets, or YouTube videos?

Well, these days it’s happening more than not, and students across the Nation who have invested so much in their educational careers end up losing thousands of dollars in scholarship funds because they had succumb to peer pressure.

There was a story told by the President of Clark Atlanta University where he detailed a real similar situation. It seems there was a young man who applied to CAU who had above a 4.0, had an ACT score of 31, and had numerous volunteer and extra-curricular activities. The President was so impressed with the student’s accomplishments that he called the student himself to congratulate him. Unfortunately, the student was unable to answer the phone and when his voicemail came on this is what he heard:

“What’s good niggas and bitches? Yo, this your motherfuckin nigga __________, leave a message and I’ll get back at yo ass when the fuck I can.”

Needless to say, the President never left a message neither did he phone the young man again. And, he denied the young man’s full scholarship offer with an additional stipend option. This young man, by a simple voice mail alone, had opted himself out of a full scholarship with additional funding from the college, not to mention, the state and federal aid he would have received on top of CAU’s offer.

If you have a high school student or have high school students in your families, please share this type of information with them and encourage our youth to be careful how they handle social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook because what one says can ultimately hurt them.

Click on pic to read full article.

J. Prince, Princepality 18
